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学者 / 商学院 / 金融


An investment in knowledge is the most valuable asset of a student aspiring to a career in finance. 博彩平台推荐(Tiffin University)的金融工商管理硕士课程将理论与实践相结合, 全面的培训, 涵盖财务和会计的关键领域, 经济学与管理学. You’ll acquire the knowledge and experience needed for a rewarding career in the fast-paced and exciting world of finance.

Tiffin University has been approved to participate in the 特许金融分析师(CFA)协会’s University Affiliation Program (UAP®). This approval means that TU finance students will now be able to apply for financial aid scholarships on behalf of the CFA®, and the University will have access to CFA®-sanctioned coursework and exams for teaching purposes.

特许金融分析师(CFA)协会, a global leader in the investment profession that aims to promote the highest standards of ethics, 教育, 以及专业上的卓越, approved TU’s BBA in 金融 to participate in its University Affiliation Program (UAP®).  This affiliation means that TU’s curriculum is closely tied to the practice of investment management, 并包含至少70%的CFA课程候选人知识体系(CBOK). In other words, our curriculum provides students with resources to sit for the CFA exams. The affiliation also makes our 金融 students eligible to receive a limited number of CFA student scholarships annually. 

财务是每个组织决策中不可或缺的一部分, from corporate enterprises to non-profit organizations to all levels of the public sector. 因此, organizations throughout the world require people with specialized financial training who can make smart investment decisions and carefully weigh potential financial strategies by applying a thorough understanding of financial data and analysis.

理工大学金融课程, 由具有多年金融行业经验的教师授课, 提供专业的金融教育, 在理论和应用之间取得平衡. 通过做金融,你会学到金融的原理, 当你获得第一手资料, 金融工作领域的实用知识.

对金融业务和金融市场有深刻的了解, 你将为工业界的职位做好充分的准备, including manufacturing and retailing; in financial institutions such as banks, 保险公司, pension funds and investment firms; and in the field of financial planning.

  • Earn a finance-accounting double major degree without investing extra time or extra money.
  • 通过管理现实生活中的投资组合获得现实世界的经验.
  • 获得行业认证.
  • 除了专业技能外,还要学习关键的软技能.
  • 小班学习,个性化关注.
  • Participate in field trips to the Federal Reserve Banks and other financial institutions.
  • Adopt a more global perspective through interaction with a diverse TU student population.
  • The TU 商学院 is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
  • 在Peregrine的全国标准化测试中, 在金融领域, 博彩平台推荐商学院的学生平均得分为12分.与ACBSP学校的学生相比,高出53个百分点.

This accelerated pathway allows you to take classes that count as dual credit towards both your BBA and MBA degrees, 让你有能力在短短五年内获得学士和硕士学位, 节省你的时间和金钱. 了解我们的MBA课程.

在TU的金融项目, 你将在实际应用的背景下学习理论, 因为你的老师会给你带来丰富的金融经验. 你将在我们的金融实验室获得自己的经验, where you’ll compile and analyze financial data using the same industry tools as professional investors and financial advisors. You’ll develop expertise in making investment decisions by managing a real-life investment portfolio. 这是现实世界, practical finance 教育 that will prepare you in every way to be a well-informed and experienced financial professional.


TU’s finance program will empower you both academically and professionally with an industry-informed, 实践课程. 作为以从业者为中心的课程的一部分,您将:

  • Acquire current, relevant field knowledge in banking, fund management, financial analysis, and more
  • 通过实际案例研究将理论与实践联系起来
  • 获得行业认证-包括IBM技能学院, 晨星公司和SAS公司的证书,这些都是课程的一部分
  • 实际操作最好的金融行业软件
  • 掌握职业技能, 包括量化交易员技能, 软件培训, 研究技能, 分析能力和宝贵的口头表达能力
  • Hone your financial skills by participating in various financial and business competitions

作为金融专业的学生, 你的学习将超出课本的范围, 当你把课程从教室带到实验室. Our advanced 金融 Lab – with a full-sized stock ticker; two large flat panel TVs with scrolling financial data; and 30 computer terminals, 每个与晨星访问-为您提供动手学习和经验, 使用金融行业软件和数据库. 领先的机构数据和研究提供商, 晨星为您提供身临其境的金融教育:

  • 有关共同基金、股票、交易所交易基金及对冲基金的详细资料
  • 历史数据(月度、季度、年度)
  • 基金组合
  • 投资组合筛选
  • 风险调整星级
  • 投资风格盒子
  • 分析师的评论和评论


  • 对基金进行排名和比较
  • 为研究目的进行高级分析
  • 构建和分析共同基金投资组合

除了, students will have the opportunity to take advantage of the Morningstar certification program.



  • ACC228管理会计- 3小时
  • ACC301中级会计I - 3小时
  • 商业法II - 3小时
  • 中级微观经济学- 3小时
  • 管理经济学- 3小时
  • 金融风险管理- 3小时
  • FIN420货币和银行- 3小时
  • FIN421投资- 3小时
  • 国际金融- 3小时
  • FIN461金融数据分析- 3小时

合计- 30小时


这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.


风险管理及保险(FIN315) – One of the key questions that modern managers face is how to deal with the risks their company is exposed to. This course will help you understand how to value and employ derivatives as means of market risk management. We will also explore key concepts behind using insurance to treat other risks faced by an individual or firm.

投资(FIN421) 本课程是投资领域的概览. It focuses on the practical application of financial theory to the issues of investment management. 主题将包括投资组合优化和资产配置, the theory of asset pricing models and their implications for investments as well as evaluating investment management performance.

国际金融(FIN426) -研究国际金融的制度、概念和工具. 将讨论当前和过去的国际货币制度. 应特别注意对会计的考虑, finance and taxation differences global companies (multinational companies – MNCs) experience in the domestic and foreign economies. Other topics shall include the determination of exchange rates and their macroeconomic linkages, the effect of exchange rates on current and capital account balances and the techniques global companies can engage in to hedge exchange rate risk.

实习(FIN470) -为学生提供应用概念的实际经验, 原则, 以及现实世界中的金融规则. Hours and work assignments are arranged with the business or organizational sponsor on an individual basis.


在校园 -提供为期15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月

The field of finance offers a wide range of challenging and rewarding careers – in a well-compensated field that continues to grow. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, various career options for 金融 graduates will see a steady faster-than-average growth in employment over the next 10 years.

  • 会计
  • 审计师
  • 簿记、会计和审计文员
  • 预算分析
  • 首席财务官
  • 索赔专家
  • 商业银行家
  • 大宗商品的代表
  • 合规官
  • 成本估计
  • 信贷专家
  • 财务顾问
  • 金融分析师
  • 财务经理
  • 金融服务代表
  • 信贷员
  • 管理分析师
  • 按揭覆核主任
  • 个人理财顾问
  • 销售经理
  • 证券代表
  • 股票经纪人
  • 亚伦的公司.
  • 美国银行公司
  • 宝马集团
  • 克劳福特豪盈有限公司.
  • 企业控股有限公司
  • 摩根大通 & Co.
  • 金伯尔中西部
  • Marafiq
  • 马拉松石油公司
  • 全国保险
  • 老堡滩
  • 高速公路
  • Vistaprint
  • 西方 & 南方的生活





博彩平台推荐最适合那些想和教授一对一交流的学生. 这里的人会给你所有成功的工具. 带上硬盘,你就能带着你需要的一切离开这里.”
